Further Reading

Books (Available via Libraries Ireland)

Antonia McManus, The Irish Hedge-School and its Books, 1695–1831 (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2004, reprinted 2006)

Isabelle Torrance and Donncha O’Rourke (eds), Classics and Irish Politics, 1916–2016 (Oxford, 2020)

Jean-Michel Picard, ‘The Latin Language in Early Medieval Ireland’, in Michael Cronin and Cormac Ó Cuilleanáin (eds), The Languages of Ireland (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2003), pp. 44–56.

Phyllis Gaffney, Foreign Tongues: Victorian Language Learning and the Shaping of Modern Ireland (Dublin: UCD Press, 2024)

Regina Whelan Richardson, ‘The Salamanca Archives’, in Agnes Neligan (ed.), Maynooth Library Treasures from the Collection of St. Patrick’s College (Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 1995), pp. 112–147

John Richmond, ‘Greek Revival Architecture in Dublin’, Proceedings of the Blackrock Society, 2004, pp. 10-29.

W. B. Stanford, Ireland and the Classical Tradition (Dublin: Allen Figgis & Co., 1976)

Online Resources

The Dictionary of Irish Biography

The St. Gall Priscian Glosses

Irish Primer (Irish Script on Screen)